Times The Internet Saved Your Life

We’ve grown so used to the immediacy of our internet connection, we overlook the incredible ways it makes our lives better every day. To highlight those mundane moments, and natively integrate XFINITY’s high speed internet, we reframed those moments as suspenseful action sequences with connectivity and speed as the hero. From learning how to cook, to winning an argument with your significant other, each of these short, high-octane, comedic scenes, captures the way these moments feel to those experiencing them.

When The Internet Has Your Back: The Great DebateLet's face the facts: This is you. Get America’s fastest Internet with XFINITY http://www.xfinity.com/internet-service

Posted by BuzzFeed Video on Wednesday, June 22, 2016

When The Internet Has Your Back: CookingWhen dad cooks, the internet is his sous-chef. Get America’s fastest Internet with XFINITY http://www.xfinity.com/internet-service

Posted by BuzzFeed Video on Wednesday, June 22, 2016

When The Internet Has Your Back: Going OutDon't just tie. Win. Get America’s fastest Internet with XFINITY http://www.xfinity.com/internet-service

Posted by BuzzFeed Video on Wednesday, June 22, 2016